Cosmic Porch

Exploring the Unified Field and It’s Role in the Ascension of Humanity
Welcome to the world within our number line!
These sacred geometric structures are embedded into our number line by palindromic code and algebra. This missing link for math, physics, and free energy will help us reconnect to our souls on a profound level.
Present anywhere we can measure, both inside atoms and between galaxies, this unifies ALL of us, not only to each other… but to all space and time!

This discovery reveals a conjunction of disclosure, unified field theory, number theory and the Divine. These realms are made manifest through geometry produced by a mathematically watertight, palindromic code that’s embedded into the numbers we use to count and measure. The task to tailor the universal knowledge of this galactic math for our understanding was given by Source to a small group of off-world beings (including myself), within the Galactic Federation of Light. Motivated by deep insight and concern regarding the state our planet would be in at this time, the retrieval of this information offers proof of Source, our extraterrestrial family… and even our own origins.

It was sent with the intention to unify us, to challenge our conditioning and support our individual, collective, and planetary ascension processes in reclaiming our Divine sovereignty. It will also be used to assist us in the discernment of energies at play here. As we step further into the 5D New Earth, technologies developed from the free energy foundation in this code will help prepare us to reunite with our cosmic family.

People have accurately called this discovery “a miracle” and said it “will impact all future scientific endeavor.” What pieces do you carry? Collaborative expansion of this will awe us with magic and miracles as it leads us back into union with our souls, and opens doors for humanity. 

Expanding Our Perception of Reality

Keys to the geometric structure for this work were shared with me as a child by what I now realize we refer to as ‘spirit.’ There were a number of dreams related to it over the coarse of my life as well but as time passed I had forgotten about most of them. In 2014 I was reminded of it all when I crossed over during a near death experience (or NDE). After starting to put all the pieces together following that event, I now understand I showed up to this incarnation carrying this knowledge. 

I can clearly recall attempting to communicate these geometries when I was nearly pre-verbal. We unlearn the most fundamental aspects of ourselves as we “grow up.” As refreshers, spirit would interject at just the right moments about it. Once in a grade school math class spirit asked me to “look at the numbers to the left and right of 12.” Retracing that memory alone was the catalyst for the birth of this discovery. 

As an adult, I had to rediscover numbers 11 and 13 were primes and then began researching more. Upon doing so, I read primes were considered to be mostly random, but immediately disregarded that. At the time of the illness and NDE I had moved into a room that was shown to me in a dream as a child around 25 years prior… and over 2000 miles away from the room’s location. That experience solidified that absolutely nothing is random. So, following the advice from spirit I started looking at how primes related to each other, and made this discovery. This is not the beginning of the story behind this work though. While the information has finally arrived, many off-world beings have worked to get it here.

Collaboration on this discovery will allow us to surpass boundaries that have long separated us both from each other and from other larger realities… which it will help prepare our consciousness for. This is bigger than religion, money, academics, language, culture, gender or socioeconomic strata. It is about reclaiming our heritage and our future.

As unusual as my personal experience has been, and continues to be, it is also part of this story. I understand parts of what is shared here will be challenging for some to believe initially. Others may never be able to accept what is here, and that is ok. It was hard for me to believe at points too, even as I was experiencing it. It is truly otherworldly. I understand and even appreciate healthy skepticism. Once these kinds of things happen to you long enough though, one is afforded less and less of that luxury. I cannot deny reality.

I had forgot about the magic that surrounded me as a child but preceding the NDE unusual things started happening. People said some strange things to me, my watch wouldn’t work properly, electronics were malfunctioning… something felt different, but strangely familiar. At work someone said a sentence that was last said to me in my childhood. Although I didn’t know it at the time, it began waking memories that my consciousness had dissociated from and discarded long before. Although my mind left them behind, the memories were still stored inside my body. I went to stand up one day at work and suddenly could barely walk. Within days I was having NES seizures and later was in a wheelchair for a bit. MS was being considered as a diagnosis.

Home sick, shortly before being forced to quit my job, I heard on the news that MS may be linked to childhood abuse. I couldn’t remember much of my childhood but after hearing that was finally able to remember when that sentence was said to me. It was horrifying but necessary to remember. The seizures were memories moving from my body to my consciousness. I remembered men being let into my room starting when I was between two and three, and being rinsed down in between. I was trafficked for nearly a decade of my childhood, and it was compounded with satanic ritual abuse. No surprise I blocked it all out. Unbeknownst to me I had functioned in a dissociated state for 25 years and blocked out about a decade of my childhood. The beginning of that realization was the beginning of my awakening, which also opened the memory of spirit talking with me as a child about the discovery you see here.

Before the NDE I would have had trouble believing much of the off-world aspect of this were someone else saying it to me, and truly never would have dreamed I’d be saying things like this until then. When you see what’s beyond average reality, it changes you. And it changed me again when I started realizing I remember who I was before now. It is stunning how disconnected we become from our souls here. Information poured through during my first awakening which began a few months before the NDE, and within a few weeks following it, the discovery in the number line came through. Over the next decade I recovered further memory of who I am (and have been) and began realizing all this was happening as the result of plans I made prior to incarnating.

The easiest way to allow this information to begin shifting you, if you would like it to, is to remain open to your feelings and intuition about it, and take the path of least resistance in receiving what is in front of you. The mind is a beautiful tool but the truth of this discovery is outside of human logic. You will know it’s meaning and unlock the secrets of it that you carry by feeling into your heart.

What is here truly speaks for itself. Without Source and higher powers at play, this information would not exist… but it does. This watertight code birthed through visions, dreams, spirit, the Divine, Source, channeling, pre-incarnation and past life work, off-world origins, and an NDE weighs heavily in favor of a richly layered, multidimensional reality that is MUCH weirder, more sacred, and far more interconnected than many of us are currently able to fathom.