If you intuitively understand what’s being shared here is important, you may want to get involved.
All souls carry pieces of information relating to this work. Those who wish to actively collaborate on it can participate in different ways, and some will be involved longer than others. There’s no specific time frames.
Some will have formal, relevant backgrounds. With others, the information will come from such a pure place it doesn’t require you even being conscious of having access to it.
There are a number of ways you may relate to this work. You may think of, know, discover, receive, channel or even remember information relevant to the beautiful geometry in our number line, or the larger applications relating to it.
Or, you may have no desire to support this effort in any of those ways but may be able to fund parts of the project. Could you cook for the people volunteering to complete it? Or, can you donate organic food? Amazing! Are you someone who is a connector, and knows the perfect people to share this with? Maybe you’re a travel agent… maybe we need your wool socks, who knows, you tell me. There are a million ways you can help that aren’t listed here and I would love to speak with you about your ideas, just drop me an email.
Here’s a few other ways you can collaborate.
Please email me directly at [email protected] with any interest (link in footer). Please include ‘Discuss’ in the subject line.
Support of all kinds is welcomed. Here are some much needed areas:
Free energy grant writing (both nonprofit and LLC)
Web, IT, video, animation, 3D animation, social media management
Real Estate
Non Profit CPA
Non Profit Management
Intellectual Property Attorney
PR, Interviews, News, Community Engagement
Electrical, Mechanical, Structural and Molecular Engineering
Materials Sourcing
Machining & Fabrication
Transportation / Supply Chain
Harmonics & Resonance backgrounds
Obviously Math and Physics backgrounds would be great!