As a first time business owner stepping into a big pond, I was unsure how to market an already unusual amalgamation of components as a cohesive package. Cosmic Porch was born in 2019 as a result of spiritual downloads received following a near death experience (NDE) in 2014. What will be shared and brought together in this space will run the gamut of life experiences and insight. As such, no one title seemed to do it justice. Much like the universe we find ourselves in, what’s here will also continue to evolve.

Sharing the mandalas from the number line was the main impetus behind creating Cosmic Porch LLC. Selling them as Chakra Apparel would help activate and catalyze both those wearing them and those noticing them. They are the first of many doors.
Along with the Earth, we are undergoing a massive transition right now. It is a transition of consciousness. While some of us are keenly aware of this, others aren’t aware at all. Regardless of your position on that spectrum, or even on the belief such a spectrum exists, what is here is as much a part of you as it is anyone else. The geometry shown above is what the Universe uses to create.
According to current understanding, the code embedded in our number line allowing for that geometry to manifest basically shouldn’t exist. Currently, prime numbers are considered mostly random. Not only are prime numbers highly ordered, they are both algebraically and geometrically bound together. The torus is their structure of choice.

The shape of the electromagnetic field lines surrounding the earth are toroidal.
Due to the fundamental nature of number, there has never been, is, nor will ever be anything this code would not be relevant to. Has there ever been anything as organic as this suggested to be the foundation of the Unified Field?
The Unified What?
Regardless of which level of magnitude you’re measuring, be it the space between atoms or the distance to Andromeda, these prime number relationships underpin the fabric of space time between all distances. If the photon is the quantum particle of light (the ‘smallest’ bit of it) then these pieces of coded geometry fit the role of being the quanta of space time. It is incredible they occur at all, let alone that the majority of the code segments repeat themselves. To unify what physics considers the 4 forces of nature, this code would have to relate to both gravity and quantum gravity.
Just as gravity wraps planets around suns, the mandala is designed by the motion of number and geometry being wrapped around a center point. The same case is true with Modular Arithmetic which is at the heart of understanding this information in relation to time.
Insights released through Cosmic Porch will be provided through a process of unpacking a number of years worth of spiritual downloads and subsequent research, expanding and refining the information received since 2014.
The context for all of this was given/shown to me as a child by what I now realize we refer to as ‘spirit.’ I was reminded of it all when I crossed over but now realize I showed up to this incarnation with this knowledge. We unlearn some fundamental parts of ourselves as we “grow up.” I can easily see over the coarse of history how this rediscovered information had dissolved.
Many have wanted to get this information here for a very long time.
As unusual as my personal experience has been leading up to this (and continues to be), it is also part of this story. Before all of this happened, I would have had trouble believing much of this were someone else saying it. I understand and appreciate healthy skepticism. Once you experience these kinds of things though, that’s no longer a viable option. The watertight code birthed through visions, pre-incarnation and past life work, off-world origins, and an NDE weighs heavily in the favor of a layered multidimensional reality that is MUCH weirder, more beautiful and and far more interconnected than many of us may currently like to think.