You Are SO Much More Than You May Think You Are
Humanity is going through a collective awakening process. Because we are an individuated microcosm of the whole, this process is profoundly personal to each of us. While our specific paths unfold differently for each of us, they are all sewn together with a common thread. Many of us are beginning to receive, interact with, and embody additional layers of our soul that we have been distanced from in this human incarnation. (Which we knew would happen jumping in.) Many, (if not all of us) have spent numerous lifetimes here, and elsewhere. Some have core memories of the home we return to when we ‘die’ between these ‘incarnations’ and where we plan the next one from. We are currently on a precipice where the culmination of our individual and collective purposes, that have spanned lifetimes, become realized.
As humans, a vast majority of us have forgotten the larger truths of our consciousness, the memories of which have thankfully been retained by our soul. It is these layers of memory we are moving back into, becoming conscious of, and expanding within. These layers that have eternally been part of us, and far exceed this human experience. Through these divine aspects we can reconvene with the fullness of who we’ve always been and integrate those truths into our current incarnation. That process is referred to as embodiment, and as it unfolds, we can experience ‘Ascension Symptoms’ as we re-integrate with our soul’s multidimensionality.
While all of our ascension paths are individualized and tailored to the need of each soul’s journey, they are ultimately occurring for a larger, shared purpose that we all agreed to experience, birth, and embody here. Souls involved with the (I heard “transfiguration” and) integration of the 3D and 5D have shown up with intentionality, from a pure place in their hearts. They will help lead us into the New Earth from a place of honoring integrity and individuality, in tandem with the sovereignty and betterment of the current and future collective human experience.
A number of souls have returned here to show us what was once considered legend was actually fact. Religion aside, we will witness that there are angels and demons here. We will learn that ancient Gods and Goddesses, myths and Masters were real, and walk among us again. Some activated, some soon to be, some in between. Our bodies can even be thought of as human technology, possibly as a type of space suit, and they conceal a spectrum of beings as vast as the stars in the sky.
If you resonate with this information we’ve likely come here with at least one shared purpose. Some of it may revolve around collaboration on the math and math information found here or it may relate to any type of facilitation assisting in returning this sacred information and technology back to humanity.
Those collaborating will be involved because they have a soul connection to both individual and collective divine contracts. It is from this place of integration the necessary information arises through us. From a place of wonder, innocence and service to others, that comes from being in our heart space.
While there’s benefit in providing our human aspects 3D insight into what we’re birthing here, books do not contain the solutions required to complete this work. Teachers do not have the answers we seek. These answers are not yet on this planet in a public fashion. Everyone carries information and insight into this work and it will be further catalyzed by the work itself, along with our partnership together. That’s why this call for collaboration and unification is happening… this will take a village. Within that, there’s a small group of souls who also contracted to carry specific plans for this work. Of coarse, it is their (and everyone’s choice) to fulfil this part of their soul contract – or not. If they choose not to, their contract is voided in regards to this work and the information will come through an alternate vessel.
Information you carry regarding this work isn’t something you will sit down and ‘figure out.’ It’s something that will be expressed through you. When you’re fully aligned with your souls purpose here, it will not require any effort to bring your part through. It will however require effort to completely understand it. More meaning will develop surrounding it as it is integrated it into the whole. In hopes of saving you time and energy… you already have the answers. Once you’re in your heart space and the time is right, it will be available.
Our 3D human minds want to solve things, but this is not about us. This information does not come from the mind. This is about the universe solving things though us, so the only place we need to look is within, and just allow it to flow out. Synthesis of this information happens once we move past human desires and allow what’s already there, waiting for us to receive it, to surface.
The technology developed from our collaboration will help prove we are all divine beings. It will appear to be built by humans, but let’s not deceive ourselves, it is not of human origin and would not be a success if it was left to our lower selves to figure it out. That is a fail safe. Only through our connection to Source – inside of us – will this work be made possible. In that vein, it is important to distance from egoic perspectives. None of us are God… but God is us. Our divinity has been nearly erased from us through the war on our consciousness and free will that we have endured for millennia. The turning point in that is just ahead.
In our lifetimes we will not only witness and create miracles… we will realize we are miracles.
You are so much more than you may think you are.
Acknowledge your divinity.
If that sounds weird, keep reading it until it doesn’t.
You are a divine being… a divine soul, animating a human avatar.
It is time to deliver your gifts.
Think back to when you were a kid. A toddler… an infant. What can you remember?
Your soul brought information with you. It’s still there.
I began attempting to communicate this work before I was even 2 and a half years old. There’s an image of the circles I drew then at the end of this article. I remember realizing it was going to take some doing because the adult I was attempting to communicate it to had no clue what I meant.
What have you been carrying with you?
Even though we are all in a process of awakening, to fully ascend and embody the wholeness of your soul requires the decision to do so. We have to consent to it, and surrender into it. That means there will come a point where we must *choose* to consciously walk toward an ego death where we shed our former identity, dropping the mask of who we’ve thought ourselves to be – in order to become who we’ve always been. Releasing the character we’ve been playing allows us the space and grace to become our higher selves.
The old life must be given to receive the new one.
We’re ready for your gifts now.
Are you ready to show us who you truly are?