



As a first time business owner stepping into a big pond, I was unsure how to market an already unusual amalgamation of components as a cohesive package. Let alone expand on them. Cosmic Porch was born in 2019 as a result of spiritual downloads received following a near death experience (NDE) in 2014. With no formal background in the area, I suddenly producing this Mathematical Physics following the NDE. What will be shared and brought together in this space will run the gamut of life experiences and insights had from unpacking those downloads, and expanding on and refining the information through subsequent research. In stride with the universe we find ourselves in, what’s here will also continue to evolve.


Sharing the mandalas from the number line was the main impetus behind creating Cosmic Porch LLC. As awakening and ascension support, selling them as Chakra Apparel would help activate and catalyze the chakras of both those wearing and noticing them. They are the first of many doors. This is hardly about T-shirts or being a business owner through. It is about the scope of purpose behind the information itself and what it means to humanity. It may look like math and physics, don’t let that fool you though. This is for our souls. Cosmic Porch is a gathering place where we can connect the pieces of the puzzle we carry.

There are innumerable mandala designs produced by the code in our number line. This green one is just one example.


Awakening and Ascension

One way awakening can be seen is as becoming aware you are an eternal soul, and realizing this human experience is only a fragment of who you really are. While the mind and ego believe they are the amalgamation of your human name, education and experiences here, awakening cracks open the awareness of your soul and the understanding you are a actually a divine aspect of source. The ascension process is what unfolds after we have awakened, as we step further into the truth of who we are as souls and ultimately embody as who we’ve always been, our higher self. The death of the ego naturally occurs within this process.

Along with the Earth, humanity is undergoing a massive transition right now. It is an evolution of consciousness. While some of us are keenly aware of this Ascension process and the birthing of a New Earth, others aren’t aware at all. Regardless of your position on that spectrum, or on the belief such a spectrum even exists, what is here is as much a part of you as it is anyone else. The geometry shown above is what the Universe uses to create. It is literally part of you. And it unifies you to all of existence. 

As we ascend, our consciousness and the senses we’re typically limited to in this 3D environment, level up. We may become more aware of the Astral Realm, 4D, which bridges the third and fifth dimensions. This is the space we experience as we sleep and our consciousness leaves our bodies. Consciously or unconsciously leveling up to the higher frequencies and vibrations of the 5th dimension opens what are considered gifts, and expanded/evolved states of consciousness. Instead of being limited to the 5 senses, clairesentience, claireaudience, clairecognisence may open and information from different dimensional realities becomes accessible. It can be thought of as being comparable to seeing beyond the visible spectrum of light, into infrared, for example. Or, hearing dog whistles. Broader spectrums of phenomena  exist weather we can access them, or not. 

This shift of consciousness has also been called enlightenment, Christ consciousness and kundalini to name a few. Along with many others, likely including yourself, it is something I have experienced and continue to anchor into. In relation to this work, it was the initiation into it. Maybe like you, at the time I had never even heard the word kundalini so I didn’t believe or disbelieve in such things. I didn’t need to. I now understand I (my higher self) made a soul contract for me (my avatar) to awaken in this lifetime. It doesn’t require belief. So, regardless of belief or disbelief in what I’m saying, this could happen to you just as easily as it did to me. It would have been a gift to have been prepared for that possibility. I hope this also helps prepare us to witness others waking up as well. Even though we’re all born with this connection to our higher self, and source, traumas we experience dissociate us further from our original frequency so this transition back can sometimes be startling when it begins. Some have chosen to awaken, some haven’t. Despite that, this elevated 5D frequency of consciousness (and above) is the destiny of evolution on this planet.  What an incredible time we chose to be alive!

While new to us right now, what is provided here is ancient off-world knowledge. Our souls know this geometry and the secrets it contains. We just have to remember who we are. According to current understanding here, this coded geometry embedded in our number line doesn’t exist. That’s because currently prime numbers are considered mostly random. Not only are they highly ordered, they are also algebraically and geometrically bound together by palindromic code. With the help of spirit and my higher self, I’ve discovered prime numbers act in pairs, which I named Prime Partners. Sometimes they even occur as triads. The torus is their structure of choice when expressing geometrically.

Due to the fundamental nature of number, all things that exist connect to this code. It seems nearly impossible for this to be anything other than the foundation of the Unified Field.


Following the NDE, I audibly heard “Draw this.” You can see I was trembling. I had no idea what a torus was at that time. The shape of the electromagnetic field lines surrounding the earth are one example of a torus.


The Unified What?

The field within which all things are born, exist, and die… both on our planet and off. In physics the Higgs Field is considered to give atoms mass and is strong candidate for the Unified Field. Arguably, there is room to negotiate the characteristics of such a field, as the void of space would also have to be included. Since all things here are polarized here, hot/cold, up/down etc. the void of space could be  viewed as the polar opposite of mass, negative mass. I truly believe the Higgs Field is the closest thing that could come describe what we are witnessing as we view the geometries of our number line. The numerical relationships within our number line surround planets and extend into the pre- manifest as well. 

Such a field would contain what physics refers to as the 4 forces of nature. It would have to unify gravity and quantum gravity and bridge the gap in understanding how the two correlate. Within that field, gravity holds trees in the dirt and dirt to the earth. The strong force holds the atoms of leaves together as electromagnetic light from the sun orchestrates the photosynthesis occurring within them. Finally it is all recycled by the weak force through decay, or entropy, which returns the nutrients back to the soil as the tree dies. 

Regardless of which level of magnitude you’re measuring, be it the space between the atoms of a leaf or the distance from Earth to Andromeda, these prime number relationships are the scaffolding underpinning the fabric of space time between all distances. Therefore, they impact all measurements of time and space… as well as the experiences had within those distances. If the photon is the quantum particle of light, (the ‘smallest’ bit of it) then these pieces of coded geometry fit the role of being the quanta of space time. So, the toric geometry embedded into our number line by palindromic code, reveals the quantization of space time. 

That being said, both special and general relativity would be affected by these geometries and code as well. For those familiar or interested, this code is specifically relevant to time in regards to the ‘light cone’ of relativity. Just as gravity (bent space time) wraps planets around suns and mandala’s are created by the motion of geometry around a center point, Modular Arithmetic is at the heart of understanding this information in relation to time. 

Another fascinating aspect is that Prime Partners appear to express and illuminate wave particle duality. This work gives us a tangible map in which to study quantum and cosmic realms. Just as in wave particle duality experiments, specifically the famous Double Slit Experiment, these geometries within our number line also produce interference patterns… which are inherently part of holograms. In the top image, the holographic nature of this discovery becomes apparent as the geometry appears to project off the page. What’s here may very well lead us to the understanding we are ‘living’ in a holographic universe.


Expanding Our Perception of Normal

The context for this work was given/shown to me as a child by what I now realize we refer to as ‘spirit.’ I was reminded of it all when I crossed over but now understand I showed up to this incarnation carrying this knowledge. I can clearly recall attempting to communicate this information when I was pre-verbal and have since been given information regarding it in dreams at many different points as well. We unlearn the most fundamental aspects of ourselves as we “grow up.” I now recall being in 3rd grade math class and having spirit ask me to look at the numbers to the left and right of 12. Retracing that memory alone helped birth this discovery. 

As an adult, I rediscovered the numbers 11 and 13 were primes and then began researching more. Upon doing so, I read primes were considered to be mostly random but immediately disregarded that. At the time of the NDE, I had moved into a room that was shown to me in a dream as a teenager, more than 20 years prior and 2000 miles away. That experience solidified that absolutely nothing is random. So, following the advice from sprit in my 3rd grade math class, I started looking at how primes related to each other, and made this discovery. This is not the beginning of the story behind this work though. While the information has finally arrived, many off-world beings have worked to get it here for a very long time. I began working on embedding this code with a group of beings prior to incarnating here and have spent a number of lifetimes preparing to and attempting to deliver this. 

Collaboration on this work will allow us to surpass boundaries that have long separated us both from each other and from other larger realities… which it will help prepare our consciousness for.

As unusual as my personal experience has been and continues to be, it is also part of this story. Before the NDE I would have had trouble believing much of this were someone else saying it to me. I understand and appreciate healthy skepticism. Once you experience these kinds of things though, that’s no longer a viable option. The watertight code birthed through visions, dreams, spirit, pre-incarnation and past life work, off-world origins, and an NDE weighs heavily in the favor of a richly layered, multidimensional reality that is MUCH weirder, more beautiful and and far more interconnected than many of us are currently able to fathom.

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